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About Us

Rootback has a heart-warming and inspiring story that is deeply rooted in love, tenacity, and fortitude. It all began with the birth of the founder’s child with special needs, who faced several health obstacles that seemed insurmountable. Their journey led them down a path of discovery, exploring alternative options and seeking out natural remedies and understanding the importance of holistic wellness that could help their child and others like them. What sets DEMYSTIK apart is the founders' personal connection to the brand. They know firsthand the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit and importance of quality ingredients and they are passionate about sharing their vision with others. They're not just creating a brand; they're on a mission to become YourEveryday Wellness partner on your journey towards holistic wellness.

DEMYSTIK, the wellness brand by ROOTBACK, marks the initial step towards empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. Their commitment to excellence is evident in the products they have created. As an integral part of RootBack, DEMYSTIK's next steps involves focusing on addressing lifestyle concerns through a comprehensive range of services, activities, and programs. The ultimate goal is to become a one-stop shop for holistic wellness, centering on lifestyle modifications, proper nutrition, adequate physical activity and fostering a relaxed mind, resulting in the effective alleviation of lifestyle concerns and the prevention of lifestyle diseases.

Join the DEMYSTIK community today and experience the transformative power of holistic wellness for yourself and your loved ones.

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